Conscious 3
Conscious Magic 3

Conscious Magic Episode 3 – Ran Pink and Andrew Gerard

The Hype:

In this Episode 


The performer places two bills on the table along with a quarter. The spectator is asked to spin the quarter on the table and to remember which side lands face up. The spectator places the magician's wallet over the quarter so it is completely hidden. Next, the spectator is asked to hide one bill in each hand. All this is done while the performer's back is turned. When the performer turns around, the performer will know the location of each bill and which side of the coin landed face up.

STFU is not just one trick or method, it is a tool that will allow you to create many effects. It eliminates palming, stealing, switching, and loading. Not only do you get this tool included in the package, but we've shot performances and explanations of effects where the spectator loses the memory of a chosen card, a card vanishes in the fairest way and appears in an impossible location and more. New Segment: Brainstorm section for STFU where Ran and Andrew riff on ideas for other uses of this tool.

The Formula 
The spectator thinks of any card, generates a random number, and shuffles the deck. That number is dealt to and, in this shuffled deck of cards, it is revealed that their card is precisely at that number. Andrew reveals that the rest of the deck was actually blank. On top of that, the card that they were thinking of was blank too, which means the whole experience just happened in their mind.

White Room 
White Room is a technique you can use to create a direct mind reading experience using nothing but the imagination. The person keeps their eyes closed for more than half the trick and everyone watching knows that they're experiencing something special, creating an interesting spectacle. You will always have this with you because it uses nothing but words. Imagine being able to tell a person what card they have arrived at while making every decision secretly in their mind.

My Take:

I absolutely loved Episodes 1 and 2 so I was anxious to see what the boys have come up with this time. Was it worth the wait? Yes, indeed. Three of these routines are very simple to do yet pack a huge wallop. And, as always they sit you down and go over their thinking on each of the effects so you not only get more presentation ideas but understand the thinking and the genesis of each.

Accuracy – Andrew uses some older techniques on this one that I had seen before but his routine gives you something you can carry in your pocket that will absolutely slay your spectators. A strong point here is that the spectator does absolutely all of the work for you. Your back can be turned. You will have to be selective however in your performing environment. You will do this and you will have fun with it.

STFU – No, I don’t have to tell you what the letters stand for but it is a reaction you just might get when you perform this. A gimmick is required but it is included in the package. The gimmick that came in my package was slightly different from the video but the method is the same. I also made a small adjustment to mine that simplifies one step. Your spectator selects a card and it inserted into the middle of the deck. The deck is immediately given to the spectator who is told to spread through the cards and remove his selection. His card is no longer in the deck and be retrieved from wherever you like. I particularly liked Ran’s revelation of the selected card inside his cell phone case. This routine is extremely easy to do. It requires nothing but presentational skills

The Formula – Another easy to do routine that kind of reminds me of Josh Jay’s Blind Man’s card trick. The method here is different but has a similar gut punch ending. Let’s face it. Any trick where your spectator gets to handle the cards and then finds out later that the deck he just handled is composed of nothing but blank cards is deadly. The only negative with this is that you will have to provide your own blank deck which is available from any magic dealer.

White Room – Now here is where you get your money’s worth. White Room has been around for a few years. I had heard of it but had never seen it performed. Ran goes over two methods to perform the routine. One is 100% and one is not. However, the one that is not is much stronger and could even be performed over the phone. Ran has a nice performing style an watching his will teach you how to sell this to your audience. This is not a self worker and will take some effort to perfect on your part but it is a great routine that will convince your audience you can actually read minds. As a bonus, two pdf’s are included on the DVD. The original White Room manuscript from 2010 and “White Room Expanded” with new ideas and discussions on the method. Each of the 3 episodes have had one routine that stands head and shoulders over the other. White Room is this disk’s standout.

There have been several sets of DVD’s that have been released individually. I believe one of the first was John Carney’s Seasons set and then, of course, John Bannon’s Move Zero. This is good for several reasons. Some of us cannot afford the cash layout for a multiple DVD set but can afford one. This is perfect for them, although I can see the sets being bundled for a single purchase in the future. Secondly, when you get the disks individually it is much easier to absorb the material. It is easy to get overwhelmed with too much at once and miss some great items. And lastly, it gives you something to look forward to. I can’t wait to see what Ran and Andrew come up with in the next disk. They also have not given a limit on the number of episodes so hopefully they will keep on putting out great material.

Conclusion – Strong material, most easy to do. The brainstorming and discussion of the effects always gives me a better understanding of the material and will stimulate my own thinking both in performance and variations. Recommended.
