Surreal Killer

Surreal Killer – John Bannon
Surreal Killer Packet Trick by John Bannon — bigblindmedia.com

Being released May 15

The Hype:
Comes with the six special custom printed playing cards you need!
Surreal Killer - You start by displaying a packet of fully blank playing cards. These are our ‘blank canvases’! With a snap one of them impossibly prints with the artistic statement, “This Is Not A Hole”.  How strange!
Returning attention to the packet, one of the double blank cards suddenly appears with a REAL hole cut right through the middle of it. “This is a hole!” You drop it to the table. Then another card acquires a hole. AND THEN ANOTHER ONE! 
While you spectator is still reeling from these impossible apparitions you flip the three “hole” cards face up to reveal they all have another artistic statement printed on their previously blank backs?!?! 
Oh - and just to ice the cake, you now flip the last remaining blank card to show that it’s a “hole” card, too: the word ‘WHOLE’ printed right across the face of the card! 
AND, despite every side of all four cards CHANGING— those THREE cards mysteriously acquiring massive holes through them—YOU END TOTALLY CLEAN! 
The entire routine, with all it’s incredible phases, requires just two simple sleights, both easy to learn and both taught on the Video Download Instructions. 
Suitable for working pros, enthusiastic hobbyists and beginners alike, Surreal Killer is the perfect pocket trick. It’s self-contained - using just the six provided cards - and leaves a ton of latitude for you to print your own performance style on it! 
* A self-contained pocket miracle. The 6 specially printed cards are supplied in a wallet for easy transport/protection.
* Easy to perform. Requires only two basic sleights, both of which are taught on the Video Download Instructions.
Totally examinable. You end clean with nothing to hide.
Entertaining, fooling, multi-phased.

My Take:
John's latest outing for his Bullet Party Count. If you are familiar with it, you   know just how deceptive it can be. And, you are not, this will teach you. If you can do an Elmsley, you can do the Bullet Part count.

Bannon's material is always fun and more often than not, very easy to do. Surreal Killer is no exception. Easy moves all the way with specially printed cards.

This is truly the Holy Grail for packet tricks. Nicely made, easy to do and you can pretty much do it right out of the box. What more could you want?

I have become a big fan of Big Blind Media over the last few years. They not only have great material but they do the best videos on the market. L&L is now owned by Murphy's and  don't think they are releasing any new material. In my opinion, the quality coming from Big Blind is superior to the L&L products.

I have also become a fan of John and Liam Montier. There are quite a few dvd's and effects in my magic drawer.

Buy this. It's fun and you will like it.
