
The Gordon Diary Trick – Paul Gordon

The Hype:

The Gordon Diary Trick is, in our opinion, the best diary effect ever. The great news is you can perform it with absolutely no memory work at all! 

The Gordon Diary Trick has long been a favorite with the pros. It has gained recognition from some of magic's great performers. 

My Take:

Years ago, I had the pleasure of seeing Paul Gordon lecture in Boston. He absolutely fried us with his Easy Ace Estimation. So, of course I had to purchase his Nocturnal Creations book to learn the routine. On the back cover of the book were kudos from other magicians on Paul’s work. The quotes from both Alan Shaxon and Phil Willmarth both mentioned how wonderful his diary trick was. I decided to make one up and fell in love with it. After searching several stores for a daily appointment book, it took me probably an hour to set up my first diary. I still have it today but probably will not be using my original now that I have Paul’s new release.

When finding a calendar type book you run into several difficulties. First, finding a size that will fit your pocket comfortably. And second, they always have the year printed on each page. How can you remain relevant when using a calendar several years old? I suppose you could just make up a new one each year but that is a lot of work. Plus, you once again have to go through the trouble of finding the right book.

This new release takes care of both problems for you. It has each day of the year but no year is mentioned. Plus, it is a small, compact volume that will fit very comfortably into a shirt pocket. All you need to add is a deck of cards and a personality.

In the box you receive the book, a DVD teaching the effect and a cue card to eliminate any memory requirements. However, in my opinion, the card is not necessary. The procedure to find the correct card for each date is extremely easy and you don’t have to risk being caught looking it up on the cheat sheet. A little time spent with learning the system will pay of greatly for you. However, if you are math challenged the cheat sheet is still there for you.

A diary trick like this has an endless array of ways to use it. Birthdays, anniversaries, special occasions.  It allows you to make the trick personal to your spectator. The book is nicely produced, I have been used to using a larger book with all of the cards hand written on the dates. This is really superior and should be purchased even if you already do the trick from the book. . This size is perfect for a shirt pocket and having the names of the card actually printed makes you seem all the more professional.

As a reviewer, I receive a lot of things to look at. I can’t do all of them but this is one that will travel with me. It stands out from the crowd. A real plus is that you need not even carry your own deck. With this in your pocket, any borrowed deck can be used and we know what an impact that makes.

I have been a big fan of Paul Gordon’s for years and was excited to hear this was being released. I am definitely not disappointed and I am sure you will be either. I give this one of my strongest thumbs up! Thank you, Paul, for having this printed up.
